I believe that exercise and movement are essential in maintaining overall health and wellness. Busy schedules can make it difficult to hit in the gym every day. If you have to skip the gym occasionally don’t completely toss your fitness goals out the window. Here are a few life hacks to fit movement in to your everyday life. These hacks are by no means meant to replace your regular exercise. They are meant to be a compliment to your existing routine, and continue to feel accomplished, even if you miss the gym.


Red lights, standing in line, and waiting rooms, can be productive for you if you do some isometric exercises while you wait. You can turn what feels like wasted time into fitness time. My favorite muscle groups to work isometrically are abs, glutes, and chest. Let’s imagine you are sitting in traffic. Sit up nice and tall in your seat. Imagine pulling your navel in toward your spine. Contract your abdominal muscles and hold for 10 seconds. Release for 10 seconds. Repeat. When your muscles feel tired or you’ve completed as many as you like, move to the glutes. Go ahead and squeeze those butt muscles nice and tight, and hold for 10 seconds. I think we’ve all probably held this position while stuck in traffic, praying for traffic movement, because your body is ready for a bowel movement. The intentional isometrics are more fun! For the chest isometrics, place your hands in prayer position. Push your palms in toward each other. Hold for 10 seconds. Release for 10 seconds. Repeat. You might as well say a little prayer while you have the time.


I hate to do laundry, with a passion. To make it more enjoyable I put on music and dance my heart out. I have a playlist of popular songs from my high school and college days. The songs instantly take me to a different place in time. Not only are my endorphins kicking in, but I’m reflecting on happy thoughts. My kids think I’m crazy, but I’m pretty sure I am. Suddenly, laundry doesn’t seem like such a chore. Find your own personal anthem. In your perfect day dream what song would be playing as you stroll down the beach while on lookers stare at your perfections? Find that song, keep it on hand, play it whenever you lack motivation. You can burn 400-480 calories per hour of dancing.

Strike A Pose

What do you do while you are waiting for coffee to brew, tea to steep, water to boil, brushing your teeth, commercial breaks? You could strike a pose. A yoga pose, squats, lunges, push ups against a counter top or wall. A quick and easy way to fit short burst of exercise into your day. Remember, its supplemental movements, not replacement of your exercise routine.

Park The Car

This is not a new concept. Walk or ride a bike when and where you can. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you have to drive, park at the end of the parking lot. When I go grocery shopping without the kids, I park on the far side of the lot. After I’ve purchased my groceries, I load the bags onto my arms and carry them to the car in one trip, as if I’m in some sort of a strong woman competition. I know I’m not alone on this one. Who else does this?


This is the tip that catches the most attention and is perhaps the most interesting. According to Men’s Health, a study conducted by The University of Montreal concluded that men burn an average of 100 calories, while women burn an average of 69 calories in a typical romp lasting approximately 25 minutes. To calculate how many calories you burn in your next session, multiply the time in minutes by 4.2 for men, and 3.1 for women. (Men’s Health, 2016) I am not encouraging you and your partner to turn your sex life into an exercise chore. However, sexual activity can be considered significant exercise.